We look forward to your motivation and CV
Are you looking for a job in inland shipping and want to work in Europe? Join Goodcrew as an experienced crew member!
A scholarship for the children of GoodCrew employees if you are employed by GoodCrew and our manning agency for at least 4 months.*
Insurance for illness and accidents (also during leave). *
Airport dispatch.
OEC issuance, enables you to pass the immigration counter hassle free.
Legal assistance.
Family relations department.
Online access to pay slips & documents.
Hassle-free processing of documents.
Medical at accredited medical center close to domicile/region.
Training at accredited center close to your domicile/region.
Virtual debriefing and online document processing.
Virtual signing of contract.
Timely payment of salary (+ compliance with SSS/PagIbig/Philhealth).
12 months' salary (also during leave).
Send your application to info@goodcrew.eu. We will make sure your application reaches our agency in Manila.
*Conditions are available at our agency in Manila